Camping in Sebago

picture-2 View of our home for 3 days
View of our home for 3 days
picture-1 Its camping time!
Its camping time!
picture-4 DVD time so we can unpack
DVD time so we can unpack
picture-5 Getting ready for bed
Getting ready for bed
picture-3 Entertainment center
Entertainment center
picture-6 Dusk
picture-7 Early morning
Early morning
picture-8 Getting ready for breakfast
Getting ready for breakfast
picture-9 Tasty bites
Tasty bites
picture-10 Lets Live here!
Lets Live here!
picture-11 Chef's delight
Chef's delight
picture-12 What about me?
What about me?
picture-13 3 course breakfast
3 course breakfast
picture-14 Mum's boy
Mum's boy
picture-15 The Lake
The Lake
picture-16 The Boat
The Boat
picture-17 The playground
The playground
picture-18 We broke the swings
We broke the swings
picture-19 We hogged the swings all morning
We hogged the swings all morning
picture-20 Ducky Shoes
Ducky Shoes